About This Site
Site Map
The Site Map below contains a link to all the major pages on the site. The first set of links largely repeats the site hierarchy reflected in the menu across the top of major pages. But much of the value of the site (I hope) derives from the Chronological Catalogue of Gillray's prints and the commentaries I've written linked from the Catalogue entries within Gillray's Works. For ease of scanning, however, I've included those in a separate section below organized chronologically by the year in which the print was published. I will continue to update the site map monthly as I complete more commentaries. The date of the last modification will always appear at the bottom of this page.
- Introduction
- Early Life
- A Start in Caricature
- At the Crossroads
- Political Caricaturist
- Portrait Caricaturist
- Final Years
- Gillray in Time
- A Chronological Catalogue of his Drawings
- Gillray's Drawings
- A Chronological Catalogue of his Prints
- Printsellers/Publishers
- Print Sizes
- Print Output
- Collections
- Identifying a Gillray
- Bibliography
- 1775
- 1776
- 1777
- 1778
- 1779
- 1780
- 1781
- 1782
- A Meeting of Umbrellas
- Old Wisdom, Blinking at the Stars
- Sir Richard Worse-Than-Sly Exposing His Wife's Bottom. . . (1)
- Sir Richard Worse-Than-Sly Exposing His Wife's Bottom. . . (2)
- Changing Places, alias Fox Stinking the Badger out of his Nest
- Dame Rat, and Her Poor Little Ones
- A Warm Birth for the Old Administration. . .
- The German Dancing Master. . .
- The Minister In. The Minister Out
- St. Cecilia
- A Peep into Lady W!!!!!y's Seraglio
- [William Parsons, Actor]
- Britania's Assassination, or the Republicans Amusement
- Rodney Triumphant, or Admiral Lee Shore in the Dumps
- Rodney Invested, or Admiral Pig on a Cruize
- Rodney Introducing De Grasse
- Malagrida & Conspirators, Consulting the Ghost of Oliver Cromwell
- St. George and the Dragon
- Irish Gratitude
- Guy Vaux
- Monuments Lately Discovered on Salisbury Plain
- Gloria Mundi, or the Devil Addressing the Sun
- The Kettle Hooting the Porridge Pot
- Ahithophel in the Dumps
- Crumbs of Comfort...
- The Jubilee
- Monsieur le Comte de Grasse
- The Soliloquy
- Guy Vaux & Judas Iscariot
- Cincinnatus in Retirement
- Jove in his Chair
- Sampson Overcome by a Philistian
- Judge Thumb, or Patent Sticks for Family Correction
- Aside He Turn'd for Envy..
- 1783
- 1784
- 1785
- 1786
- Col. Gardiner's Last Interview with his Wife and Daughter
- Wife & No Wife, or a Trip to the Continent
- The Morning after Marriage, or a Scene on the Continent
- A New Way to Pay the National Debt?
- The Political Banditti Assailing the Saviour of India
- A Sale of English Beauties in the East-Indies
- Paille d'Avoine, Paille d'Avoine
- 1787
- Anticipation, or the Approaching Fate of the French Commercial Treaty
- The Happy Mother
- The Tender Mother
- A Noble Lord, on an Approaching Peace. . .
- Assaut d'Armes. .
- Ancient Music
- La Belle Assemblee
- Dido Forsaken. Sic Transit Gloria Reginae
- Monstrous Craws at a New Coalition Feast
- The Friendly Agent
- The Dutch Divisions
- A March to the Bank
- Amsterdam in a Damn'd Predicament, or the Last Scene of the Republican Pantomime
- 1788
- The Famous Battle between Richard Humphreys & Daniel Mendoza. . .
- Foul Play, or Humphreys and Johnson a Match for Mendoza
- Wouski
- Impeachment ticket. For the trial of W-rr-n H-st-ngs Esqr
- Blood on Thunder Fording the Red Sea
- Mendoza
- The Westminster Hunt
- State Jugglers
- The Fall of Phaeton
- Mason The Duke's Confectioner, Disposing of the Trinkets
- Blood and Co. Setting Fire to the Tower & Stealing the Crown
- Harry Jenkins, the Masculine and Feminine Bellows Mender
- John Bull in a Quandary
- The Butchers of Freedom
- The Battle of Bow Street
- Election Troops Bringing in their Accounts to the Pay Table
- Charon's Boat, or Topham's Trip with Hood to Hell.
- King Henry IVth, the Last Scene
- King Pitt
- Prince Pitt
- 1789
- The Vulture of the Constitution
- Ornaments of Chelsea Hospital, or a Peep into the Last Century
- The Battle between Mendoza and Humphrey. . .
- Cooling the Brain, or the Little Major Shaving the Shaver
- Brunswick Triumphant, or The Battle of the Bloods
- A Prince and a Poltron. . .
- The Coward Comforted. . .
- Shakespeare Sacrificed, or The Offering to Avarice
- Chancellor Edward Thurlow
- Richard Brinsley Sheridan
- 1790
- 1791
- Bandelures
- The Accusing Spirit which Flew up to Heavens Chancery. . .
- Taming of the Shrew. Katharine and Petruchio. The Modern Quixote, or What You Will
- The Balance of Power, or "The Posterity of the Immortal Chatham, Turn'd Posture Master"
- Barbarities in the West Indias
- The Impeachment, or The Father of the Gang Turn'd Kings Evidence
- The Rights of Man, or Tommy Paine, the Little American Taylor. . .
- French Democrats Surprising the Royal Runaways
- Alecto and Her Train at the Gate of Pandaemonium. . .
- The Hopes of the Party Prior to July 14th.
- A Birmingham Toast, as given on the 14th July by the Revolution Society
- Patience on a Monument
- A Natural Crop, alias a Norfolk Dumpling
- The Finishing Touch
- La Derniere Ressource, or Van-Buchells Garters
- At Church
- At the Opera
- An Angel, Gliding on a Sun Beam into Paradice
- Nauticus
- A Witch, upon a Mount's Edge
- Patent Bolsters. . .
- The Devil to Pay. The Wife Metamorphos'd, or Neptune Reposing after Fording the Jordan
- Lubber's Hole, alias the Crack'd Jordan
- The Soldier's Return, or Rare News for Old England
- A Modern Cherub
- A Uniform Whig
- The Introduction
- Frying Sprats
- Toasting Muffins
- The York Minuet
- An Excrescence, a Fungus, alias a Toad-Stool upon a Dung Hill
- The York Reverence, or City Loyalty, Amply Rewarded
- 1792
- Nina
- A Sphere Projecting against a Plane
- Fashionable Contrasts. . .
- A Good Shot, or Billy Ranger, the Gamekeeper. . .
- The Power of Beauty. St. Cecilia Charming the Brute, or The Seduction of the Welch Ambassador
- The Bottomless Pitt
- Malagrida Driving Post
- Design for the New Gallery of Busts and Pictures
- A Back View of the Cape
- Neck or Nothing
- Anti-Saccharrites, or John Bull and his Family Leaving off the Use of Sugar
- Modern Hospitality, or A Friendly Party in High Life
- Taking Physick; or the News of Shooting the King of Sweden!
- Patriots Amusing Themselves; or Swedes Practising at a Post
- Le Cochon et ses Deux Petits, or Rich Pickings for a Noble Appetite
- Austrian Bugaboo, Funking the French Army
- The Bishop of a Tun's Breeches, or the Flaming Eveque Purifying the House of Office
- A Spencer and a Thread-Paper
- Vices Overlook'd in the New Proclamation
- The Fall of the Wolsey of the Woolsack
- Sin, Death, and the Devil
- A Connoisseur Examining a Cooper
- A Voluptuary under the Horrors of Digestion
- Temperance Enjoying a Frugal Meal
- Un Petit Souper, a la Parisienne, or a Family of Sans-culotts Refreshing After the Fatigues of the Day
- Tom Paine's Nightly Pest (1)
- Tom Paine's Nightly Pest (2)
- The Dagger Scene, or the Plot Discover'd
- 1793
- The Slough of Despond. Vide The Patriot's Progress
- Fashion Before Ease, or A Good Constitution sacrificed for a Fantastick Form
- Britannia in French Stays, or Re-Form at the Expence of Constitution
- Sans-culottes Feeding Europe with the Bread of Liberty
- A Smoking Club
- A Democrat, or Reason and Philosophy
- Louis XVI Taking Leave of his Wife & Family
- Dumourier Dining in State at St James's, on the 15th of May, 1793.
- Britannia between Scylla and Charybdis
- A Vestal of -93, trying on the Cestus of Venus
- Fatigues of the Campaign in Flanders
- John Bull's Progress
- The Heroic Charlotte La Cordé. . .
- [Flemish Characters]
- Flemish Characters
- The French Invasion, or John Bull Bombarding the Bum-Boats
- Flannel-Armour;_Female-Patriotism. . .
- A French Hail-Storm. . .
- Presentation of the Mahometan Credentials, or the Final Resource of French Atheists
- 1794
- 1795
- Eloquence Series Overview
- Bar Eloquence
- Billingsgate Eloquence
- Fools Eloquence
- Military Eloquence
- Ministerial Eloquence
- Naval Eloquence
- Opposition Eloquence
- Pulpit Eloquence
- The Lover's Dream
- French-Telegraph Making Signals in the Dark
- Charity Covers a Multitude of Sins
- Affability
- Patriotic Regeneration. . .
- The Prophet of Hebrews, the Prince of Peace Conducting the Jews to the Promis'd-Land
- Leaving off Powder, or a Frugal Family Saving the Guinea
- The Real Cause of the Present High Price of Provisions
- Polonius
- Modern Elegance [A Portrait]
- Quiz-zing a Filly
- God Save the King in a Bumper
- A True British Tar
- A Keen-Sighted Politician Finding Out the British Conquests
- What a Cur 'Tis!
- Blindmans Buff, or Too Many for John Bull
- A Keen-Sighted Politician Warming his Imagination'
- Enter Cowslip with a Bowl of Cream
- Parasols, for 1795
- Characters in High Life
- A Slice of Gloster Cheese
- A Lady Putting on her Cap, June 1795
- The Great South Sea Caterpillar, Transformed into a Bath Butterfly
- The Sleep-Walker
- The Republican Attack
- Fatal Effects of the French Defeat. Hanging. Drowning
- The Republican Rattle-Snake Fascinating the Bedford-Squirrel
- Copenhagen House
- The Crown and Anchor Libel Burnt by the Public Hangman
- 1796
- The Presentation, or the Wise Men's Offering
- A Modern Belle Going to the Rooms at Bath
- Ladies Dress As It Soon Will Be
- The Generae of Patriotism, or the Bloomsbury Farmer Planting Bedfordshire Wheat
- The Fashionable Mamma, or The Convenience of Modern Dress
- La Belle Espagnole, ou la Doublure de Madame Tallien
- Democratic Leveling. Alliance a la Francoise, or the Union of the Coronet and Clyster-Pipe
- Lady Godina's Rout, or Peeping-Tom Spying out Pope-Joan
- High-Change in Bond Street, ou La Politesse du Grande Monde
- Philanthropic Consolations after the Loss of the Slave Bill
- The Dog Tax
- No Flower That Blows is Like This Rose
- My Poll & My Partner Joe
- The Wine Duty, or the Triumph of Bacchus & Silenus
- Cymon and Iphigenia
- Hint to Modern Sculptors, as an Ornament to a Future Square
- Modern Grace, or the Operatical Finale to the Ballet of Alonzo e Caro
- Exaltation of Faro's Daughters
- A Portrait [Sir David Dundas]
- The Jersey Smuggler Detected, or Good Cause for (Separation) Discontent
- The Grand Signior Retiring
- Fashionable-Jockeyship
- The Odd Trick, or Nunkee Gaining the Honors [Gillray?]
- Enchantments Lately Seen upon the Mountains of Wales. . .
- Hollandia Regenerata: Introduction
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 1: Dansons la Camagnole. . .
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 2: Het Committee van Algemeen Welzyn
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 3: Het Committe Militair.
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 4: Het Committe` van Financie
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 5: Het Committe van Rekening
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 6: Het Committee van Koophandel en Zeevaart
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 7: Het Committe` van de Vivres
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 8: Het Committee van Algemeen Waakzaamheid
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 9: Het Committe van Voorlichting
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 10: Het Committe der Hooge, Laagen en Middelbaare Heerlykheeden
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 11: Het Committe van Noodlydende
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 12: Het Committe` van Uitgewekenen
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 13: Het Committe van Buitelandsche Zaaken
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 14: Het Committe` van Fransche Requisitien
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 15: Het Committe de Sante
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 16: Het Committe van Remotie
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 17: Het Committee van Bondgenootschap
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 18: Eenige der Representant van het Volk van Holland
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 19: De Nationale Convention in Barensnood van Eene Constitutie
- Hollandia Regenerata: Pl 20: Past op!!!
- The Orangerie, or the Dutch Cupid Reposing After the Fatigues of Planting
- A Peep at Christie's, or Tally-ho, & his Nimeny-pimmeny Taking the Morning Lounge
- For Improving the Breed. Sketched at Wuerttemberg
- The Arch-Duke
- Georgey a'Cock-Horse
- Supplementary Militia, Turning-out for Twenty-Days Amusement
- Sandwich-Carrots! Dainty Sandwich-Carrots
- 1797
- End of the Irish Invasion, or the Destruction of the French Armada
- The Giant-Factotum Amusing Himself
- The Loss of the Faro Bank, or the Rook's Pigeon'd
- The Feast of Reason, and the Flow of Soul
- The Nuptial Bower with the Evil-One, Peeping at the Charms of Eden
- The Tree of Liberty Must be Planted Immediately!
- The Republican-Hercules Defending his Country
- Bank-Notes, Paper-Money, French-Alarmists. . .
- St. George's Volunteers Charging Down Bond Street. . .
- The Leadenhall Volunteer Drest in his Shawl
- Contemplations upon a Coronet
- Discipline à la Kenyon
- Pylades & Orestes
- La Bonnet-Rouge, or John Bull evading the Hat Tax
- Le Baiser a la Wirtembourg
- Push-Pin
- La Promenade en Famille, a Sketch from Life
- The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
- The Bridal Night
- Parliamentary-Reform, or Opposition-Rats, Leaving the House They had Undermined
- The Esplanade
- Hero's Recruiting at Kelsey's. . .
- Homer Singing his Verses to the Greeks
- The Salute
- A Corner Near the Bank, or An Example for Fathers
- Patern-Staff. Weymouth, 1797
- Loyal Souls, or a Peep into the Mess Room at St James's
- Brigade-Major. Weymouth, 1797
- A Dash up St James's Street
- 1798
- The Loyal Toast
- Consequences of a Successful French Invasion - Introduction
- No. I. Plate 1. We Come to Recover Your Long Lost Liberties.
- No. I. Plate 2. We Explain de Rights of Man to de Noblesse
- No. III. Plate 2. Me Teach de English Republicans to Work.
- No. VI. Plate 1. We Fly on the Wings of the Wind to Save the Irish Catholics from Persecution
- [Ode to Lord Moira]
- [Ode to Jacobinism]
- Lord Longbow, the Alarmist, Discovering the Miseries of Ireland. . .
- Operatical Reform, or la Dance a l'Eveque
- Search Night; or State Watchmen mistaking Honest Men for Conspirators
- Habits of New French Legislators, and other Public Functionaries, AKA French Habits
- French Habits: Le Ministre d'Etat, en Grand Costume
- French Habits: Les Membres du Conseil des Anciens
- French Habits: Les Membres du Conseil des Cinq Cents
- French Habits: Membre du Directoire Exécutif
- French Habits: President d'Administration Municipale
- French Habits: Le Boureau
- French Habits: L'Avocat de la Republique
- French Habits: Membre de la Haute Cour de Justice
- French Habits: Juge du Tribunal Correctionel
- French Habits: Juge de Paix
- French Habits: le Trésorier
- French Habits: Messager d'Etat
- Meeting of Unfortunate Citoyens
- The Tree of Liberty, with the Devil Tempting John Bull
- Shrine at St Ann's Hill
- The Explanation
- United Irishmen in Training
- United Irishmen upon Duty
- Portrait of an Irish Chief, Drawn from Life at Wexford
- New Morality, or The Promis'd Installment of the High-Priest of the Theophilanthropes. . .
- The Rev.nd Obadiah Bennett, Minister of Buckingham Chapel, Westminster
- Nightly Visitors, at St Ann's Hill
- Councellor Ego. I, little i, myself i
- Evidence to Character, being a Portrait of a Traitor. . .
- Nelson's Victory, or Good-News Operating upon Loyal Feelings
- Extirpation of the Plagues of Egypt. . .
- John Bull taking a Luncheon, or British Cooks Cramming old Grumble-gizzard, with Bonne-chére
- Destruction of the French Collossus
- Stealing off, or Prudent Secession
- Fighting for the Dunghill, or Jack Tar Settling Citoyen François
- Fighting for the Dunghill, or Jack Tar Settling Buonaparte
- The Hero of the Nile
- Supposed to be a Correct Representation of a Mamaluke Chief
- Buonaparte, Hearing of Nelson's Victory Swears by his Sword to Extirpate the English off the Earth
- 1799
- Citizens Visiting the Bastille. Vide. Democratic Charities
- Egyptian Sketches
- L'Insurrection de l'Institut Amphibie. - the Pursuit of Knowledge
- L'Infanterie Francaise en Egypte. - le General l'Asne Converted to Ibrahim Bey
- Praetor-Urbanus; - Inauguration of the Coptic Mayor of Cairo, Preceded by the Procureur de la Commune
- Theologie a la Turque. - the Pale of the Church of Mahomet
- Mamlouk, et Hussard Republicain. - General Result of Buonaparte's Attack upon Ibrahim Bey's Rear Guard
- Tirailleur Francais, et Chevau Leger de l'Armee du Pacha du Rhodes - Evolutions of French Mounted Riflemen
- New Pantheon of Democratic Mythology
- Hercules Reposing
- Mars
- Harpyes Defiling the Feast
- Cupid
- The Twin Stars, Castor & Pollux
- The Affrighted Centaur, & Lion Britanique
- Duke William's Ghost
- The Gout
- A Man of Importance
- The High German Method of Destroying Vermin at Rat-Stadt
- Field-Marshall Count Suwarrow-Romniskoy
- Pizarro Contemplating over the Product of his New Peruvian Mine
- Independence
- "Monstrosities" of 1799, Scene, Kensington Gardens
- "Elegance Democratique." A Sketch Found near High-Wycombe
- Punch Cures the Gout, the Colic, and the Tisick
- Half Natural
- Pen-Etration
- Allied-Powers, Un-booting Egalite
- The Reception in Holland
- The Magnanimous Ally
- [Tomb of Sir George Savile]
- Sir Sidney Smith
- Exit Libertè a la Francois!
- French-Taylor, Fitting John Bull with a Jean de Bry
- The Military Caricaturist
- A Little Snuggerer
- 1800
- The French-Consular-Triumverate Settl'ing the New Constitution
- "So Skiffy-skipt on with his Wonted Grace"
- "Taking Physick"
- The Man of Feeling in Search of Indispensibles, a Scene at the Little French Milleners. . .
- A Scene at Mother Olivers
- Buonaparte Leaving Egypt
- A Prince of the Old School
- "Symptoms of Deep-Thinking."
- Hounds Finding
- Hounds In Full-Cry
- Hounds Throwing-Off
- Coming in at the Death
- How to Ride with Elegance thro' the Streets
- Democracy, or a Sketch of the Life of Buonaparte
- A Standing Dish at Boodles
- A Military Sketch of a Gilt Stick, or Poker Emblazoned
- The Comforts of a Rumford Stove
- Cockney Sportsmen Marking Game
- Cockney-Sportsmen Shooting Flying
- Cockney-Sportsmen Re-Charging
- Cockney-Sportsmen Finding a Hare
- Venus Attired by the Graces
- 1801
- The Magnanimous Ally
- The Union Club
- Dido in Despair
- A Cognocenti contemplating ye Beauties of ye Antique
- Integrity Retiring from Office
- A Pair of Polished Gentlemen
- What Can Little T.O. Do?
- From Sir Willm Hamilton's Collection
- Lilliputian-Substitutes, Equiping for Public Service
- A Welch Tandem
- A Lyoness
- Preliminaries of Peace!. . .
- Political Dreamings! Visions of Peace! Perspective Horrors!
- Metallic Tractors
- Anacreontick's in Full Song
- A Bravura Air. Mandane
- 1802
- Lordly Elevation
- Fat Cattle
- Tales of Wonder
- Advantages of Wearing Muslin Dresses!
- Sketch of the Interior of St Stephens, as it Now Stands
- [The Prince of Wales]
- Diana Return'd from the Chace
- Blowing up the Pic Nics, or Harlequin Quixotte attacking the Puppets
- Hope
- Despair
- The Pic-Nic Orchestra
- "All Bond Street Trembled as he Strode"
- Scientific Researches! New Discoveries in Pneumaticks! Or an Experimental Lecture on the Powers of Air
- The Cow-Pock, or the Wonderful Effects of the New Inoculation!
- Governor Wall's Ghost
- Introduction of Citizen Volpone and his Suite at Paris
- The Nursery, with Britannia Reposing in Peace
- Mary of Buttermere
- 1803
- German-Nonchalence, or the Vexation of Little Boney
- The First Kiss this Ten Years! or the Meeting of Britannia & Citizen Francois
- A Phantasmagoria. Scene, Conjuring up an Armed Skeleton
- Evacuation of Malta
- Dilettanti-Theatricals, or a Peep at the Green Room
- An Old Encore at the Opera
- The Bulstrode Siren
- Armed Heroes
- A Scotch Poney, Commonly Call'd a Galloway
- The Three Mr. Wiggins's
- The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver
- A Great Man on the Turf, or Sir Solomon in All His Glory
- Death of the Corsican Fox. Scene the Last of the Royal Hunt.
- Buonaparte, 48 Hours after Landing!
- The Hand-Writing upon the Wall
- The Arms of France
- Destruction of the French Gun-Boats, or Little Boney & his Friend Talley in High Glee
- 1804
- 1805
- The Theatrical Bubble. . .
- The Plumb-Pudding in Danger, or State Epicures taking un Petit Souper
- The Guardian Angel
- St. George and the Dragon
- Harmony Before Matrimony
- Matrimonial Harmonics
- Elements of Skateing: Introduction
- Elements of Skateing: Attitude! Attitude is Every Thing!
- Elements of Skateing: The Consequences of Going Before the Wind
- Elements of Skateing: A Fundamenal Error in the Art of Skaiting
- Elements of Skateing: Making the Most of a Passing Friend. . .
- 1806
- 1807
- A New Edition Considerably Enlarged, of Attitudes Faithfully copied from Nature. . . [12 Plates]
- The Fall of Icarus
- Mother-Goose, of Oxford
- A View of Newmarket-Heath, taken from Davis's Straits
- Charon's Boat, or the Ghost's of "All the Talents" Taking their Last Voyage from the Pope's Gallery at Rome
- 1808
- 1809
- The Master of the ScRolls
- Farmer Giles & his Wife Shewing off their Daughter Betty to their Neighbours. . .
- Theatrical Mendicants, Relieved
- Pillars of the Constitution. Three o'Clock & a Cloudy Morning
- Pandora Opening her Box!
- Orange Jumper
- A Portrait [Sir David Dundas] - Reissue
- Venus a la Coquelle, or the Swan-sea Venus
- The Life of William Cobbett, written by himself. (Introduction)
- The Life of William Cobbett, written by himself. (Plate 1.)
- The Life of William Cobbett, written by himself. (Plate 2.)
- The Life of William Cobbett, written by himself. (Plate 3.)
- The Life of William Cobbett, written by himself. (Plate 4.)
- The Life of William Cobbett, written by himself. (Plate 5.)
- The Life of William Cobbett, written by himself. (Plate 6.)
- The Life of William Cobbett, written by himself. (Plate 7.)
- The Life of William Cobbett, written by himself. (Plate 8.)
- Bristol Cheese, Made & Sold by Percival & Co_
- Cambridge Commencement Sermon
- The Introduction of the Pope to the Convocation at Oxford
- 1810