Gillray's People


The Lord of the Vineyard
The Lord of the Vineyard [Apr. 3, 1783]
© National Portrait Gallery, London

Between 1775 when Gillray began producing prints under the tutelage of William Humphrey and 1815 when he died, there were eleven different administrations. Some of them were short-lived such as the Fox-North Coalition; others were of surprisingly long duration such as the first Pitt Ministry. To serve as a handy reference, I have provided a list of them below. I've also included some of the major figures associated with each administration, especially if they figure in Gillray's prints. Sometimes the same person held more than one position at a time. And sometimes (especially in long-lived administrations) more than one person held the same position during the course of the administation. The list is intended to provide a representative, not a comprehensive, view.