Gillray's Works
So far as I know, there is no easily accessible bibliography of Gillray, comprehensive or otherwise. What follows then makes no claim to being complete, but it is a start. I will add entries as I find them.

© Trustees of the British Museum
- Anonymous, "James Gillray on War and Taxes during the War against Napoleon," Online Library of Liberty. 2016
- Bannerji, C and Donald, Diana, Gillray Observed: The Earliest Account of His Caricatures in London and Paris, 1999
- Baker, James, "Locating Gulliver: Unstable Loyalism in James Gillray's The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver," Image [&] Narrative, 2013
- Bate, Jonathan, "Shakespearean Allusion in English Caricature in the Age of Gillray," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 1986
- Caswell, Lucy Shelton, et al. eds. Gillray's Legacy; Exhibition Catalog, 2004.
- Tim Clayton, James Gillray A Revolution in Satire, 2022.
- Cooper, John, "James Gillray and the French Revolution," RSA Journal, 1989
- Davis, C. Rexford, "Cobbett and Gillray,"The Journal of the Rutgers University Library, Dec. 1955
- Domenici, Karen, "James Gillray: An English Source for David's Les Sabines," The Art Bulletin, 1983
- Godfrey, Richard, "Four Wood Engravings by James Gillray," Print Quarterly, 1984
- Godfrey, Richard and Hallett, Mark, James Gillray: The Art of Caricature, 2001
- Hart, Katherine W. and Hacker, Laura, James Gillray: Prints by the 18th Century Master of Caricature, 1973
- Hayman, Timothy, "James Gillray: The Faro Table," British Vision: Observation and Imagination in British Art, 1750-1950, 2007/8
- Hill, Draper, ed. Fashionable Contrasts: Caricatures by James Gillray, 1966
- Hill, Draper, Mr. Gillray The Caricaturist, 1965
- Hill, Draper, ed. The Satirical Etchings of James Gillray, 1976
- Hoagwood, Terence, "Gillray, Cromwell, and the Problem of Representation," The Wordsworth Circle, 1994
- Katanka, Michael, Gillray and Cruikshank, 1973
- McPhee, Constance C., "How Napoleon Became an Emblem," Art in Print, 2011
- Paulson, Ronald, "The Ambivalence of the Political Cartoonist,"Satire in the 18th Century, ed. J.D. Browning, 1983
- Paulson, Ronald, "The Grotesque, Gillray, and Political Caricature," Representations of Revolution, 1983
- Reily, John, "Rowlandson and Gillray in the Auchincloss Bequest," The Yale University Library Gazette, 1981
- Reily, John C, and Roylance, Dale R. "The Age of Horace Walpole in Caricature : An Exhibition of Satirical Prints and Drawings from the Collection of W. S. Lewis," The Yale University Library Gazette, 1973
- Rothwell, Tony, Love, Intrigue & Chicanery, 2021
- Rowson, Martin, "Satire, sewers and statesmen: why James Gillray was king of the cartoon," The Guardian, 2015.
- Turner, Simon, 'I will not alter an Iota for any Mans Opinion upon earth': James Gillray's Portraits of Willliam Pitt the Younger, Burning Bright: Essays in Honour of David Bindman, 2015
- Wright, Thomas, and Evans, R.H.,Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray, 1851
There is a reasonably comprehensive bibliography of books and articles on caricature (including works on some of the major caricaturists) in the catalog accompanying the recent, excellent exhibition, Infinite Jest: Caricature and Satire from Leonardo to Levine at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (2011-12). Included below is a much shorter list of works that I have mostly consulted and found helpful.

© Trustees of the British Museum
- Donald, Diana, The Age of Caricature: Satirical Prints in the Reign of George III, 1996
- Feaver, William, Masters of Caricature: From Hogarth and Gillray to Scarfe and Levine, 1981
- Gatrell. Vic, City of Laughter: Sex and Satire in Eighteenth-Century, 2006
- George, M. Dorothy, ed. Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the British Museum
- George, M. Dorothy, English Political Caricature 2 Vols. 1959
- George, M. Dorothy, Hogarth to Cruikshank: Social Change in Graphic Satire, 1967
- Godfrey, Richard, ed. English Caricature 1620 to the Present, 1984
- Gombrich, Ernst H, "The Principles of Caricature," Psychoanalytic Explorations in Art, 1938
- Gombrich, Ernst H, Caricature, 1940
- Gombrich, Ernst H, "The Experiment of Caricature," Art and Illusion, 1960
- Gombrich, Ernst H, "The Cartoonist's Armoury," Meditations on a Hobby Horse, 1963
- Gombrich, Ernst H, "Imagery and Art in the Romantic Period," Meditations on a Hobby Horse, 1963
- Hayes, John T., Rowlandson: Watercolours and Drawings, 1972
- Haywood, Ian Romanticism and Caricature, 2013
- Klingender, F.D., Hogarth and English Caricature, 1944
- Kris, Ernst, "The Psychology of Caricature," The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1936
- Loxton, Alice. Uproar! Satire, Scandal & Printmaking in Georgian London, 2023
- McPhee, Constance and Orenstein, Nadine, Infinite Jest: Caricature and Satire from Leonardo to Levine, 2012
- Paston, George, Social Caricature in the Eighteenth Century, 1905
- Paulson, Ronald, Hogarth: His Life, Art, and Times, 1971
- Paulson, Ronald, Emblem and Expression: Meaning in English Art of the Eighteenth Century, 1975
- Paulson, Ronald, Rowlandson: A New Interpretation, 1972
- Porterfield, Todd, The Efflorescence of Caricature, 1759-1838, 2010
- Rauser, Amelia, Caricature Unmasked: Irony, Authenticity, and Individualism in 18th Century English Prints, 2008
- Robinson, Nicholas K., Edmund Burke: A Life in Caricature, 1996
- Sherry, James, "Four Modes of Caricature: Reflections upon a Genre," Bulletin for Research in the Humanities, 1987
- Wright, Thomas, A History of Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and Art, ed. Frances K. Barasch, 1968