As David Alexander has argued in a private email to me, this entry in the British Museum catalogue may be an error. There is no presently no image of the print available from the British Museum, but its Description and Inscription make it sound exactly like The Deserted Village which IS available for comparison from the Lewis Walpole Library.
In the foreground a father and daughter leaving the village, as she says her farewell to her lover, with other families preparing to emigrate in the background; an oval composition. 1784 Engraving and stipple, printed in brown.
Lettered with artist's name, title, two columns with ten lines of verse below image and publication details: "Design'd & Engrav'd by James Gillray / Publidh'd June 4th 1784 by Rt. Wilkinson No 58 Cornhill, London", and with a dedication by the publisher of this plate and its companion to Miss Henrietta Gertrude Hotham.
© Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University
I have written to the British Museum to clarify the issue. But until I hear from them, there are two possible explanations. One is that The Deserted Train is a second state or version of The Deserted Village with the title changed. If so two further questions would arise: Which state was first? And why was the title changed? The other explanation is that the print doesn't exist except as a clerical error.
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