Gillray's Works



So far as I know, there is no easily accessible bibliography of Gillray, comprehensive or otherwise. What follows then makes no claim to being complete, but it is a start. I will add entries as I find them.

A Voluptuary under the Horrors of Digestion. Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum.
A Voluptuary under the Horrors of Digestion [1792]
© Trustees of the British Museum


There is a reasonably comprehensive bibliography of books and articles on caricature (including works on some of the major caricaturists) in the catalog accompanying the recent, excellent exhibition, Infinite Jest: Caricature and Satire from Leonardo to Levine at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (2011-12). Included below is a much shorter list of works that I have mostly consulted and found helpful.

The Twin Stars, Castor & Pollux. Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum.
The Twin Stars, Castor & Pollux [1799]
© Trustees of the British Museum